Meaning of Investment Management Agreement

Investment management agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which an investment manager will manage an investor`s assets. An investment management agreement is a vital document for any investor who wants to entrust their finances to a professional investment manager or firm.

The legal agreement provides a clear understanding between the investor and the investment management firm about the type of investment services the firm will provide. This agreement includes several provisions such as the investment strategy, fees and expenses, responsibilities, and limitations of the investment manager.

The investment management agreement is a critical tool for any investor. It sets out the rules for the professional management of the investor`s assets and ensures that the manager adheres to specific standards when investing the assets. The agreement also defines the relationship between the investor and the investment manager and establishes the expected level of communication and reporting between the parties.

One of the key provisions included in an investment management agreement is investment strategy. The investment strategy defines the types of assets that the investment manager will invest in on behalf of the investor. The agreement also sets out the investment manager`s level of discretion in managing the investor`s assets. The investment management agreement should reflect the investment manager’s philosophy and investment style, so the investor knows their investment objectives align with that of the investment manager.

The investment management agreement also outlines the fees and expenses that the investment manager will charge the investor for their services. These fees may include a management fee, performance fee, or other expenses incurred in the management of the investor`s assets.

The agreement also defines each party`s responsibilities and limitations. The investor`s primary responsibility is to provide the investment manager with sufficient funds to invest, while the investment manager`s responsibility is to provide professional investment services and to manage the investor`s assets so that they are in line with the agreed investment strategy. In terms of limitations, the investor will typically not be allowed to interfere with the investment manager`s decision-making process, while the investment manager will be limited to investing in the assets outlined in the investment strategy.

In conclusion, an investment management agreement is an essential document that investors should be familiar with, particularly when entrusting their finances to a professional investment manager or firm. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions for professional management of their assets, ensuring both parties are on the same page, and reducing the risk of misunderstandings. As a professional, I would urge investors to ensure that they familiarize themselves with the investment management agreement before signing it and seek legal advice if necessary.